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Friday, January 15, 2010

Oh, Let's Just Call it a Resolution!

If you read my post the other day about my desire to become the Coupon Queen of America in 2010, then you might remember my feelings towards New Years resolutions. They have never worked for me in the past, so I always think they are doomed to failure. But, you know what? I have never been married before and I have never been pregnant before so maybe, just maybe this is the year to accomplish a New Year's Resolution. My Red Head and Baby will be my good luck charms. :)

If you know me personally, you know that I happen to be quite anal about cleanliness. Not in a crazy way, but in the way that I would be horrified if someone dropped by my house when it was, well, untidy. (The first time that Red Head ever came to my house before we started dating, he kept saying everything was so clean and perfect and refused to sit down on anything because he didn't want to mess it up!) But, since being married, more than a few people have seen my house in an unfortunate state. (To which Red Head says, "It just makes people feel more comfortable, more at home!" Oh how I love that man!)

I don't think I was sufficiently ready for two full time jobs- my work outside the home and then my full time job at home as wife and homemaker. Many close friends have gasped at how relaxed my house has become since getting married. (Well, maybe they haven't audibly gasped, but I could see it in their faces!) You will often find Red Head's shoes lying in a pile by the front door, towels on the bathroom floor, dvds scattered around the tv, plates still sitting on the dining room table, and you will always, always, always find my kitchen sink FULL of dirty dishes. I realized this morning that it has been so long since we washed the dishes that I had no more spoons! Sad, I know.

So, in an effort to make life a little more comfortable for our growing family, I have devised a new cleaning schedule. I love to follow lists and schedules so I am hoping to trick myself into once again being the neat freak of Red Head's dreams. But I need your help- will you please hold me accountable to this list? Encourage me, give me hints and tricks, cheer me on and most especially, kick me in the booty when I start to fail because I don't want another New Year's Resolution down the drain!!!

Ok, so here is the list that I have come up with:

Tidy- up each room
Wash dishes after meal
Pick up clothes and towels
Refill toilet paper holder

Take out trash
Cut coupons

Fold clean clothes
Put away clean clothes
Spray down bathroom sink
and shower
Clean toilet
Change bathroom hand towel

Laundry- Whites
Sweep kitchen
Wipe down kitchen counters
and stove
Clean up spare room
Look up store sales circular

Fold clean whites
Put away clean whites

Menu Plan
Grocery shop

Change bed sheets
Collect all dirty towels
Costco run, if needed

Laundry- Towels
Iron for the week

Want to join me in my quest for a no-stress, easy to do house cleaning by making your own schedule? Let me know! That would encourage my socks off!!


  1. I too tried lists, but found they didn't work for me. And I'm a list queen, so I found it hard to believe that it didn't work for me.
    Now, I try and just be 15-30 minutes a day picking up, cleaning up, whatever and that has really helped me stay on top of things. It's working for me, for now.
    I do always try and mix it up, so I'm sure I'll eventually go back to lists again. I mix it up to keep it interesting for me.
    I have let one room (what will become the baby's room) become completely disheveled. I mean, it's AWFUL! I guess I'm just ready to clean it out, clean it up and put Baby's crib, changing table/dresser and the other few items I have in there. I think that may help keep it clean, but who knows. The other half of that room will be an office so that's why it stays messy b/c of all the paper and little businesses I have. Ah, it drives me crazy.
    Maybe I'll go back to the list thing and see if it will work for me again.
    Thanks for the encouragement!!!!
    I hope you keep up with your list. It looks complete, but also easily managed, just spending a few minutes a day picking up. I like it!

  2. Love this idea! I think I will borrow it. :)

  3. Do you know about the flylady?
