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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Can I Make it Through the Eye of the Needle?

This post is dedicated to my husband. He is a man after the Lord's own heart and I am blessed to be called by his name and to be his helpmate.

Have you ever read the story of the Rich Young Ruler in Luke 18? To me, it is one of the most frightening passages in all of Scripture. Why? Because it is so easy to see myself in it.

In the story, the Rich Young Ruler (who I am guessing from his title is fairly young and fairly rich), goes up to Jesus and asks what he needs to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells him that he must follow all of the laws of the Old Testament, to which the man replies that he already does that! Seeing that self-righteousness, Jesus simply tells him to go, sell everything he has to give it to the poor and to follow Him.

"But when he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich." (vs 23)

That response is sad and heartbreaking. And, if I am honest with myself, hits just a little too close to home for my own comfort. Jesus goes on to say how hard it is for the rich to enter into the kingdom of heaven, and even that it would be easier for a camel (a rather large animal) to go through the eye of a needle (a rather tiny hole). Now, in America, it is so easy for us middle class folks to say that we aren't rich. I don't drive a Mercedes, I can't afford to eat out very much (and when I do, it's the value menu!), and my current home is about 600 square feet. But, compared to the rest of the world, I am living like a queen. I have plenty of food each and every day. I never hunger because there isn't enough. I have a warm and comfortable place to sleep at night, out of the elements. I have a safe job to go to. A car to drive. I can go to church without fear of being jailed. I can go to a doctor and get excellent care anytime I need it. I get cheap medicine with my amazing insurance. I have a great education and a degree! But, sadly, about 99% of the world cannot say that. We are all rich! We are blessed in ways we don't ever realize in America. We take everything for granted, because we have never had to go without. We are rich, all of us. We are richer than the rest of the world would ever dream to be. And so then we can all see ourselves in the story of the rich young ruler. But the question is, will we give it all up to follow Jesus, or will we shrug our shoulders and walk away, too afraid to give up what has made us so comfortable all these years for the prospect of something greater?

This question has been on my mind all morning, and a lot this past weekend. My husband and I put in an offer on a house yesterday. It is a beautiful house, great space and a perfect price. It makes sense. And the Lord has not put any stop signs or red lights in our way to show us that we are going the wrong way. But, Red Head and I are still hoping that the Lord will send us overseas to share His love with the lost world. We both have a heart for life long career missions and have been patiently (and impatiently) waiting for the Lord to show us when, where, and how to go. After we got back to our house last night after signing all of the papers for the house, I think it hit both of us - are we getting too comfortable in America? Will we still be ready at the drop of a hat to go wherever He sends us?

After some soul searching, I still believe the answer is yes. I still believe that even though it has been over a year since we have been overseas (and most of my Russian has been forgotten by now), I still believe that when He says Go! we will be ready to. Why? How could we give up everything that we have? All of our comforts? Being so close to our families? How could we take a young child with us to underdeveloped countries? To us, it is so simple. because the Lord has put an unmistakable call on our lives. He has given us a heart that breaks for the broken, the lost, the poor, those who have never heard Jesus' name before.

So, will buying a house keep us here, against the Lord's will? I don't think so. First of all, I think that if He wants us to go, we will go. He will remove every hindrance and open the doors that he wants us to walk through. But the house itself, will it make us too comfortable to see the needs around us? Will we become the rich young ruler? We will, if we try to do it in our own strength. But as we wait upon the Lord and trust in Him, He will be faithful. He always is. I see this house (or whichever one we end up in) as just another tool that the Lord will use in our lives. I know that we will learn so many lessons in trust as we become homeowners. But I also look forward to the times when we can open our doors, our home, and our hearts to those around us. To give them a good meal, a safe place to stay out of the storms of life, an encouraging home to be in, and plenty of love. I want people to crowd that huge kitchen, ready for food and fellowship. I want people to know that our doors are always open. I want to learn to minister to our community and to our brethren by opening up the doors of hospitality.

I can't wait. And when it is time, when the Lord gives us the word, we will sell our possessions, put the rest in storage or at our parent's houses, we will sell our home, and we will move, in faith, to wherever the Lord calls us. Whether our children are three weeks old or thirteen years old. Whether we have two or twenty kids. Our hearts are ready to be used and to be useful. And I am ready to be poured out as a drink offering to show others that freedom can be theirs- Christ is ready with open arms.

Are you ready for whatever the Lord calls you to? Are you getting too comfortable in the American dream? Don't be the rich young ruler. We may give up everything for His Kingdom, but we are promised more than we could ever image if we do. He is faithful. Even when we are not. Be ready. And don't be afraid to let those comforts fall by the wayside.

1 comment:

  1. An inspiring post. Thanks for sharing your heart.
    I agree, we are all too comfortable in America b/c we truly have EVERYTHING we could ever need or want.
    I have a heart for missions as well, but not going anywhere like you want to. I'm not the best traveler (I get sick easily). But I was voted in November to be the Women's Mission Union director at my church so I'm working hard to find places to help through our church and through the Lord. What a blessing to be able to head something up like that and make an impact.
    I too am blessed with all the things a person needs, food, a roof, a bed, loving family, a healthy pregnancy, and being able to go to the church of my choice without being persecuted.
    Thanks for sharing!
