Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm Back I'm Back I'M BACK!

Hello to all my long lost friends out there in the blogging world! Well, I guess I was the one who was "long lost." My husband asked me the other night why I hadn't been blogging in a while, which totally surprised me because Mr. Red Head is not the world's biggest fan of spending undue amounts of time on the internet. (And don't even get him started about the television!) Originally, I had only planned on taking a few days off from blogging to clear my head and deal with the millions of things that seemed to start piling high on me. Blogging is great, but we've dealt with more things in the past two months than I think I have in my entire lifetime. Without boring you with all of the obnoxious details, I will give you a quick list of how life has gotten in the way of blogging:
Our house had a natural gas leak from the furnace, then our house had a carbon monoxide leak from the hot water heater, black mold in the bathroom, spending nearly three weeks at my parents house because our house was too dangerous to go back to, I fell out of a chair onto hard floor (bad anytime, especially when pregnant!), going to the doctor because of the natural gas/carbon monoxide/black mold, going to the doctor because of the fall, finally hearing that WE GOT THE HOUSE!, hearing at the last minute that there was a counteroffer of an extra $10,000, going through mortgage paperwork TWICE, a pinched nerve in my back that makes walking impossible at times, having insane and painful Braxton Hicks contractions, going to the doctor for the contractions, living the next three months with almost nonstop contractions, bank fraud, getting the bank fraud fixed, bank fraud again, getting called for jury duty, the violent outbreak in Kyrgyzstan and overthrowing of the government (Red Head and I both lived in KG for summers during college and still have so many friends and loved ones there) and dealing with ten million other things that seem way too grown up and serious for me to deal with. But, in all of these things, the Lord has taken wonderful care of us and we have seen His provision in awesome ways! Like my wise husband always tells me, these are just opportunities to trust!

There! Will you forgive me now for my absence? Thanks. I think I deserve a break! :) But, alas, I digress. I am back and hope to continue to update the blog as much as possible. I promise that I will continue with the Proverbs 31 Challenge, but it will be a few days before I wrap my head around getting back to that.

So, like I said earlier, Red Head and I got great news about two weeks ago that we got our affordable dream house. The day before we were supposed to close, we got the bad news that the seller's mortgage company had sent in a last minute counteroffer, bringing the sale price up ten thousand smackeroos. Ouch. While we have decided to go forward in the process, we were pretty burned by this. It was hard news to take but we still feel like this is the house that the Lord has been pointing us to throughout the whole search process and I am really looking forward to moving in and calling it home!

In two weeks, Red Head and I will be celebrating our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! That's one year of marriage and three years being together! It is hard to believe that I have been Mrs. Red Head for a whole year. It seems like just yesterday we were on our first date. Now three years later, we are expecting our first child and buying our first home. It certainly has been a BIG first year of marriage for us and I can't wait to see what the future will bring!

A few months into marriage, Red Head and I were looking over our finances and trying to come up with a few goals. We had a pretty hefty school loan that we were paying off in small bits every month, but we really had the desire to knock it out as soon as possible. We decided that the debt had to be gone by our one year anniversary and guess what- we are about $8,000 away! After we close on the house, 99% of the money that we have will go straight to the debt, paying it off before our deadline of April 25, 2010. Does this worry me? You better believe it. We will be putting practically everything we own towards a down payment, closing costs, and the school debt all within a two week time frame. We have crunched the numbers and we know that we will still have enough to pay our bills and eat for the next few weeks, but I can say it will be one of the leanest times in life that I have ever experienced. Yeah, I'm nervous. I know we can do it, but I sure do love the feeling of having that cushy amount in savings just in case. (The good thing is that we should be getting the tax credit soon after closing so that will help fluff up the accounts once again.)

After Red Head and I talked (and fought) this issue over extensively, I really came to see his point. Proverbs 22:7 says, "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." We are TIRED of sending our hard earned money to the government every month and watching the interest just pile up. While I am thankful that Red Head was able to receive this loan during college so that he could get an education (and meet me!), I am ready to be done with it! And that is exactly our goal for the next two weeks- buy a house and pay off this school loan. Crazy? Yes! Smart? Maybe not. Wise? You better believe it! Just as Mr. Red continues to tell me, the Lord will bless our efforts in trying to glorify Him with our money and just as He has ALWAYS taken care of us, He will continue to do so!

So, sorry ladies, you won't find me in the mall for a while. And I probably won't be able to go out to eat or to the movies for a while. We've got a tight budget to adhere to! But pretty soon, I'll be debt free. And with Little Red Head coming in just 15 short weeks, having that extra money in the bank every month is going to feel very nice.

Speaking of Little Red Head, I wanted to give you a quick update. Today we are officially at 25 WEEKS! In just two weeks I will be leaving the blessed second trimester and entering the third and final trimester of this pregnancy. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions for the past week or so but over the last few days, they have been pretty regular. After freaking out and scouring every pregnancy website I could find, we went to the doctor on Tuesday to have the two of us checked out. Cervix and everything is great, exactly where it needs to be and no signs yet of labor. Praise the Lord! Little Red Head is up to one pound and twelve ounces (and mom is up 19 pounds! eeek)! We have got ourselves a chunky baby coming! Red Head says he wants a ten pounder, to which I must continually remind him that my small frame could not possible push out a 10 lb baby and if I have to have a C-section, his life will not be very pleasant. I am still planning on doing natural childbirth so I would like a small five or six pound baby. :) But, OF COURSE, we will both be thrilled with our precious child no matter the size, gender or hair color. (But momma says Please be small!) The doctor said that the contractions will likely continue this way until we get to D-Day and that I am probably feeling them more than other women at this point in the pregnancy because of my small frame and the fact that I didn't have much pudge on my tummy to begin with so I can feel pretty much everything that is going on. Oh well, at least that means I get to feel this wonderful baby squirm and play all day. And hey, maybe after delivery we'll see that I have gotten six pack abs from all the ab workouts that these contractions are giving me! Gotta look on the bright side, right?

So, what is up next for our family? Packing, waiting for an official closing date, trying to decide which cloth diapers to order, more couponing, and living on our budget! To everyone in Memphis, hope you have a wonderful and beautiful weekend and enjoy this weather now that most of the pollen has been washed away!



  1. Hey Jess. It's Stephanie Olinger/Crawford. You're long time friend from Ellendale. I am so encouraged by your blog. It's good to hear how you an your family are doing. I would like to say more but my daughter is sitting here next to me and is insistent on touching the keys and being right next to my face:) I'll make this fast.
    First: seems like you have an awesome husband who desires to lead your family in the way of truth and godliness. Praise God for his faithfulness! I am very happy for you. Second: Congratulations on your first precious child! I had my second drug free and you can totally DO IT! Just prepare yourself very well for it. The Lord will give you the strength and perseverance to finish. There is nothing like holding your sweet child after bringing him into the world the way God created our bodies to. I love you my sister in Christ. Bye!

  2. That is a lot of stress! Hopefully things will settle down. This $45 emergency menu is great if you really get down to the nitty gritty.
