Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, July 9, 2010


You would have thought that my pride would have been smashed, demolished, obliterated. I had committed a failure of epic proportions. I had facebook friended Red Head before we had actually ever introduced ourselves. And guess what? For all the good points facebook has, one thing it doesn't have is how to "un-friend" someone before they respond to you. So, I was stuck. I imagined Red Head logging onto the internet, checking his email and facebook, finding wall posts and random event invitations, and... a friend request from a secret admirer who forgot the whole SECRET part! You would have thought my pride would have gone straight down the drain right then and there. But then....

wow i didn't even know your name, you're quick. i see you like Jesus. nice! im glad i asked you a question. God really does work in mysterious ways

He. Wrote. On. My. Facebook. Wall. Red Head. He actually accepted my friendship (miracle of all miracles!) and instead of running away screaming and hiding, he wrote on my wall! When I think about it, I can still feel the buzz of adrenaline and excitement when the little email notification told me that Red Head himself had written on my wall. I poured over the little blurb. I read and reread it a million times until I had it memorized. He wrote to me. He knew I existed. Little did we both realize how the Lord works in such mysterious ways. I thought I was just helping God by being a stalker. But, no. I was playing a part in the precious, beautiful plan He had already written for my life. 

So, he had written me. What was I supposed to do? Write him back? Pretend to be aloof? Well, you know me... I had to write him back. 

ha, i've got sweet detective skills. no, i actually just saw you in a picture with my friends jon and kaitlyn. i see you like Jesus, too! that's awesome, i am pretty fond of Him. so, were you as worried by the test speech today as i was? i've got to admit i'm a bit intimidated!

Ha. I was a big fat liar. Yes, I did see him in a picture with my friends. AFTER I stalked his facebook page. Sweet detective skills? I guess you could call it that. Pathetic, would be another word for it. But, alas, I was a little puppy dog for that boy. 

We wrote back to each other once more about the upcoming test and then that was it. I saw him at class the next week, we said hi, and then nothing. Silence. He didn't sit by me like I thought he would. He didn't wait to talk to me after class. He just walked out like his life hadn't changed since meeting me. Ouch, maybe it hadn't ....

Going back to class once more, I chalked up the whole thing to just a silly girl's dream of a gorgeous Red Head and a few too many hormones raging inside her mind. If he wasn't going to make a move to even talk to me or get to know me, clearly I didn't need to waste any more of my time on the matter. It stung, but I knew better than to be the pathetic puppy dog lovesick girl one minute longer. So, I let it go. I could enjoy the sight of God's creation- Red Head's chiseled face, tall frame, and luscious hair- but not let it make me go weak in the knees anymore. Well, truthfully, there wasn't much I could do about the whole "weak in the knees" thing, but I could totally stop myself from staring and drooling. So, that was the end. I was done....

... Until he stopped me after class to talk. We stood outside of our lecture hall as people passed by us, in between us, and seemed to buzz all around us. But he was the only one I saw in the hall that day. I remember hearing people all around us, but he was the only other person in the whole world that afternoon. We talked and talked and talked like we had known each other forever. He told me about his upcoming mission trip to a country in Central Asia. I told him about my plans to go to the Southern Baltic region for two weeks that summer on a mission trip. We seemed to bond instantly. There were so many things to talk about. In fact, as we stood in the hall talking, I never even realized that time was passing so fast. There I was, talking to Red Head. It was magical. I felt giddy and light and free and completely nervous. But I also felt a strange peace inside, one I couldn't put my finger on. It felt... right. But what on earth did that mean?

We talked straight though to the next class period. Oops! I was late for my next lecture! As I tried not to freak out about missing the beginning of class (See, Mom! I didn't always like skipping class! Red Head was a bad influence on me. Haha, just kidding!), I realized that Red Head was inviting me to something. "Wait, what did you say?" He had invited me to NoonDay, a free lunch held every Friday at the Baptist Collegiate Ministry on campus. I told him I had to work and I wasn't sure if I could make it, but that I would try to get off in order to come. Lame, huh? "Hey boss, can I take off work early for the afternoon to go eat a free lunch with a total hunk? Thanks! Oh, and what about a raise?"

He gave me all the info for the Friday lunch and then gave me his phone number so that I could call him with any questions or to let him know if I wouldn't be able to make it. Ok, was this guy just being a super awesome and friendly brother in Christ? Or was he interested in me? Or both? I totally couldn't tell but I desperately wanted to find out more. 

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get off work for the lunch that week. I sent Red Head a text message to let him know and he was very kind about it. Very polite. Very proper. I was sure that I had just given up my one and only chance with the guy. But again, the Lord had other plans. 

The next Friday, I was able to get off work for the afternoon, so I made my way to the BCM to find Red Head. Of course, I was too much of a chicken to go by myself and thankfully, my precious friend Laura came with me. Once we got there, no sign of Red Head. We got in line to get our food, still no sign of Red Head. We found some friends to sit with, and still- no sign of Red Head. And then, there he was. I saw the back of his head (hair that red is very easy to spot!) and watched as he turned around to look at me. Life was suddenly in slow motion. He caught my gaze, flashed that gorgeous smile at me, and gave me a little half wave. YES! He still knew I existed. Life was good. 

After we got done eating lunch, Laura and I made our way around the BCM, socializing and catching up with friends. I walked from table to table saying hi to all my friends, and then, just like a movie, I turned around only to find myself face to face with Red Head. 

Suddenly, he seemed very shy. He was more quiet than usual. Less talkative. But the few words that he did say were monumental to me. He invited me, ME!, to hang out with him and his friends the following evening. A movie, dinner, and then games. Oh, yes, he definitely knew I existed. And can you guess what my answer was?

To be continued...

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